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Die EPV Whitepapers

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EPV Whitepapers 2024

  • 05/2024: z16 Processor Measurements for AI
  • 04/2024: Understanding XCF Groups and Members Activity - Part 2
  • 03/2024: Understanding XCF Groups and Members Activity - Part 1
  • 01/2024: Tips for improving batch jobs performance

EPV Whitepapers 2023

  • 11/2023: Performance enhancements in zOS 3.1 – Part 2  
  • 10/2023: Performance enhancements in zOS 3.1 - Part 1  
  • 07/2023: Damned statistics
  • 06/2023: WLM controls of zIIP resources
  • 05/2023: Exploiting the zOS Syslog
  • 04/2023: Measuring zFS performance - Part 3
  • 03/2023: Measuring zFS performance - Part 2
  • 02/2023: Measuring zFS performance - Part 1

EPV Whitepapers 2022

  • 01/2022 : Measuring zCX applications - Part 2
  • 02/2022: Measuring z/OS Connect - Part 1
  • 04/2022: z16Capacity Planning - Part 1
  • 05/2022: z16Capacity Planning - Part 2
  • 11/2022: Monitoring connections security with zERT - Part 2
  • 09/2022: Monitoring connections security with zERT - Part 1
  • 06/2022: z16Capacity Planning – Extended counters addendum
  • 05/2022: z16Capacity Planning - Part 2
  • 04/2022: z16Capacity Planning - Part 1
  • 03/2022: Measuring z/OS Connect - Part 2
  • 02/2022: Measuring z/OS Connect - Part 1
  • 01/2022 : Measuring zCX applications - Part 2

EPV Whitepapers 2021

  • 01/2021: Identifying and Reporting CICS Transactions with an Abnormal Elapsed Time
  • 02/2021: Measuring the Integrated Accelerator for zEDC
  • 03/2021: Capacity Management in the TFP world
  • 05/2021: Easy and Cheap Compression with EPVzip V15
  • 06/2021: Planning disk storage - Part 1
  • 07/2021: Planning disk storage - Part 2
  • 09/2021: Measuring the effects of System Recovery Boost - Part 1
  • 10/2021: Measuring the effects of System Recovery Boost - Part 2
  • 11/2021: Measuring zCX applications - Part 1

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